As a massage therapist I check out every single spas in the area when I am not working to improve my skills and take care of my own body. I was curious about massage envy and I saw there was one opening a few blocks from me. I didn't hear good things about it but I thought I give it a try.
I've been working for a while so I know what to ask for and I know when I get it.
I sat on the waiting room like at a hospital with many other people. I was the next assembly line that was to go in. It felt very creepy like I was about to go into a machinery or something.
As soon as I met with my therapist who barely looked at me in the eye. She looked somewhat burnt out and I can tell her hands were shaking. I asked her to work myofascial on my neck and rhomboids and then trigger point. She didn't do anything I asked for and just gave me a very robotic swedish massage without going over one trigger point. (I don't think she knew what they were that I asked for honestly).
I talked to her towards the end as a fellow therapist in the area and asked her a question or two and she told me that the only way to make a living at massage envy is to do 7 massages a day because she only gets 15 a massage. Can you believe that!???? Wow, I was astonished and ashamed because I felt like I was exploiting her. I felt bad for her and left a big tip but never to return...
I mean if you want someone to just rub your back for a cheap price go for it. Massage is just more than a "back rub". Only people who have experienced the real quality massage know what I am talking about but it can really help to balance your energy, get rid of tension, improve your posture, mood and sense of general well-being with the right quality massage with the right therapist with the right intention!!!
Pros: Great location
Cons: Poor service and quality of massage