EVERY animal I have bought from Petco turns out to be sick! First we bought fish...they were ill and spread disease to the rest of the tank. Recently my daughter bought 2 juvenile leopard geckos whom also both turned out to be sick. That is not the worst part....the staff at the store seemed totally non-caring and un-knowledgeable about the Leopard Geckos both when I purchased them, and when I had to bring them back! I had done research on Leopard Geckos and noticed that Petco's tank was totally dirty....old dead food (millworms) piled up in the bowl with a few living crickets jumping around! Unlike another big petstore I know (and usually go to) Petco gave no effort to try to "healthen" these little guys up before they sold them! It was heart-wrenching trying to get these little guys to thrive within the 15 days alotted to see if they would survive! My daughter was in tears. Will I EVER buy a living creature from Petco again? NOPE. Shame on me for thinking they were different this