I wish that i had known of this sight before I started bringing my cats there. At the time I had four cats. So as you can imagine the cost of regular vet visits was quite high. My calico cat Abigail became very ill with a wide variety of symptoms. I brought her in for visits and follow up appointments about twice a month. Most visits invovled my cat having to be sedated. She was put through many tests and I was always given the same answer by the vets and that was they didn't know what was wrong with her. At one point I was told to bring her to a specialist who performed all of the same tests over again for three times the amount of money. A basic office visit cost $100.00 to walk in the door. In total my husband and I spent over $1200.00 within a six month period. It wasn't until I decided to bring her to a local vet in paxton that I found out that Abbie was a severe diaibetic and was in complete organ failure. It was too late to do anything for her so we had to let her go. Hardest