A friend introduced me to Speed LA Dating, went once and was hooked. They really are an amazing group of people and it is a wonderful way to go out and meet so many different people from all over the city.
Los Angeles can be a big city and for people who have either just moved here or have lived here for years this is a great way to make the city a little more cozy. I have made so many friends and the girls are gorgeous; and that is not just the amazingly drop dead British hostesses that help run the events.
Along with being invited back several times (free of charge) to help even out the guy to girl ratio, they have always invited me to participate in several of their televised events. There are NO ""plants"" from ""Craigslist"" and I have never gone and not found at least two or three girls that I would like to have follow up dates with.
Speaking of follow up dates...I gotta go and get ready for one now, and what do you know Speed LA Dating is the one that helped us meet. =) Cross my heart!!
Pros: Amazingly fun, great people and the locations are beautiful