Marilee Hord is the perfect breath of fresh air that makes music fun again. When I began looking for a teacher, I felt passionately about my need to find a person like her. My Grandpa used to make and repair fiddles, and I had just received the last one he ever made. I also wanted to learn some of the music I'd grown up hearing. Grandpa used to play bluegrass with the other men folk, after they took the women out square dancing. These were my first memories of ever hearing live music. So, I needed someone who held the instrument with the same magical attachment that I did. I found that in Marilee. Even better, I asked her to help me explore the genres to find my musical voice. Without batting an eye, she happily agreed. Marilee's style is completely collaborative. Thus, we’ve hopscotched through genres like folk, bluegrass, Irish, and classical. All the while, Marilee sneaks in the technical elements, so you learn it with a smile on your face. She's become my fellow explorer, mentor, and above all—friend.