I purchased a cat from Critters and have had no problems with the cat. It clearly states on the cat crate that cats may or may not be spayed?neutered or have shots and you are responsible for taking them to the vet. I think if people buy pets and are gonna complain because the pet gets sick then they have no business owning a pet because it is part of being a responsible pet owner and if you can't afford a vet bill then don't get one. Many of my neighbors levae their cats and dogs outside no matter the weather and not all people vaccinate and your pet can pick things up very easy. Don't take new pets to pet stores or parks for at least a month because they can get sick and don't buy unpackaged toys or crappy cheap pet food ( if corn or by product is on there it is BAD!) Don't feed human food because there is a lot that is TOXIC for pets ( grapes, onions, etc.) You are lukcy that the owner vaccinates dogs( not illegal if you are not a vet) you can even ask the vet and they will give it to you to do yourself ( depending on vet).
Pros: Employees friendly and helpful