DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS SCAMMER. Above all, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER (they will make unauthorized charges on it).
They are professionals, they have taken many people. They already have a lien (lawsuit won against them) filed with the State on their company for $750,000.00. DO NOT BELIEVE THE GOOD REVIEWS THEY ARE WRITTEN BY THE COMPANY ITSELF TO COVER UP THE BAD HONEST REVIEWS.
The company writes endless excellent reviews to up their ratings and to fool honest people. Their pattern is to give you a low quote, then show up late, very late, (so that you are in a desperate situation) to put your stuff on the truck. They hope you will have no choice but to allow them to take your stuff. They will very, very forcefully demand that you sign the paperwork they present you with. This paper work has wording in it that allows them to charge you more then you agreed on, much more. They will tell you that you have more stuff then originally thought and it will cost you more. DO NOT SIGN THE PAPERWORK, DO NOT LET THEM LOAD YOUR STUFF!!! Because once they have your stuff they will hold it hostage and demand a lot more money. They have been know to hold things for more then 6 months. They have been know to deliver only part of the stuff. They have been know to lose stuff and to horrible damage stuff. THEY HAVE MADE UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES TO PEOPLE'S CREDIT CARDS.
RESEARCH THE REVIEWS CAREFULLY AND NOTE THAT THE BAD REVIEWS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THIS PATTERN. Wonder which reviews to believe: A company cannot have extremely poor and extremely excellent reviews with nothing in between. People are quick to let others know if their moving experience is bad, very bad, but they usually do not let others know that their moving experience went as expected. DO NOT BECOME ANOTHER SKY MOVING VICTIM !!!!
Cons: They will make your moving experience a horrible nightmare