Rose's is a discount store that is way behind Walmart and K-mart in having new stores and the latest fashions and products. However, if you are willing to do some searching you can find some great bargains and deals. Don't expect more than you have a right to. It is an older franchise and they have not built many new stores since Walmart became a serious discount contender and competitor in the early 90's. You will find the occasional piece of clothing that is wonderful and priced at a steal, but mostly you will find the average foundation pieces like turtlenecks and shells up to 4x for $5; last years or older pants and jeans mostly for either the very young and trendy or seniors on a fixed income from $7 to $15. The housewares are often the best bargains in the store. If you need to set up housekeeping, get here what you can't get at the Dollar Tree or Family Dollar. They have all the small kitchen appliances you will need, all the dishes and cookwear at low, low prices. It won't be the best, but it will get you started. I like Rose's and still shop there even now that I have more disposable income with my children raised and out of the house. But I don't expect it to be more than it is. It's a low end discount store, nothing more.
Pros: some great deals
Cons: stores are older and dingie