My 13 years old son has been a Hip Hop Kidz dancer for 5 years. Like the cute little penguin in the movie Happy Feet he was born with the love and need to dance. Destiny brought us to this great school and through it my boy not only has fallen deeper in love with hip hop dancing but he has grown into a confident, giving and self disciplined young teen. As a member of the highest dance troupe he is expected and encouraged to be an example to other children within the organization that want to work their way up to the professional level. The dance group is constantly exposed to amazing opportunities in the South Florida area. Because of his hard work and respect for the program my son has been chosen to participate in music videos, commercial auditions, private events, etc. Hip Hop Kidz goes beyond dancing as it reaches out to the community to give back and spread the valuable message it stands for.
Pros: Self confidence and discipline