Promises given my Maximum Security to Customers that have never been delivered and attempted cancellations by new customers that were never cancelled.\r
Maximum Security signs new customers up on Alarm systems for 36 months which is a 3 year contract. In the contract, it states the customer can cancel any time in the first 72 hours without penalty.\r
1.) Customer A was promised by his sales representative that he would receive 3 months free and he never received that.\r
2.)Customer B called to cancel his contract within the first 72 hours and the sales person promised to reduce the rate down to $35.99 and gave 3 months free and customer never received that.\r
3.)Customer C, customer was promised 2 mths credit and this customer never received that.\r
4.) Customer D, the Customer sent an e-mail to the sales rep within the 72 hour window requesting to cancel and Maximum Security never cancelled the account. \r
5.) Customer E, One of the motion detectors does not work and never has worked. The customer was told to bypass this motion detector by a technician. The customer wishes to pay a lower priced package due to this motion detector not working. The customer choose the higher priced package for that one motion detector. Maximum Security is unwilling to let this customer pay for the lower priced package she is requesting.\r
6.) Customer F, the customer cancelled their contract within the 72 hour window and Maximum Security never cancelled the customer's account.\r
7.) Customer G, the customer was promised 3 months free by Maximum Security and never received that.\r
8.) Customer H,the customer stated that she chose the higher priced max pack which included one extra motion detector. Unfortunately the one motion detector in question is not working so the customer would like to have that one motion detector removed and pay for the lesser priced package and Maxiumum Security is unwilling to comprimise with the customer. \r
9.) Customer I, the customer cancelled within the 72 hours of signing their contract and Maximum Security did not cancel their account. Even though this customer does not have an alarm system, this customer is still getting billed for one.\r
10.) Customer J, Customer contacted maximum security regarding one of their motion detector not working. The customer was advised to bypass the motion detector. The customer was told by Maximum Security that the installer had a family emergency and that they would have to wait for a service technician. When the technician came out, the customer inquired about the family emergency, only to find out that Maximum Security had lied to the customer about the family emergency.
Pros: No positives
Cons: They Lie