My golden retriever that we adopted through a rescue was taken to them because he was beginning to limp. We weren't sure of his age and the doctor there suggested that we start him on arthritis treatments. They performed no tests, no x-rays, nothing! After a few months he wasn't getting any better and was actually starting to get worse. We needed to go out of town for a family vacation but wanted to board him at a vet office in case a complication arose. As soon as we got to our destination we received a call saying that he had a mass in his chest the size of a Basketball and A Half! We were stunned!!! How do you miss something so big?! It was literally pushing on his heart and other internal organs. We were then informed that his internal organs were shutting down and that we couldn't wait to put him down until we could be home with him that we needed to do it right then! Imagine our horror to hear that our beloved family member would pass away in the arms of strangers while we were thousands of miles away. Why would they not have ran more tests to make sure it was or wasn't arthritis? They probably would have found the tumor then if they had done an x- ray or some kind of tests. Maybe he still couldn't have been saved but maybe with chemo or radiation it would have bought us more time with him. Maybe he would have passed in the arms of his family instead of strangers who didn't go the extra mile for him. We did have him cremated so we could finally bring him back home where he belonged. I'm ashamed to say we continued to use them after that experience because although it was very painful we understood that people make mistakes. Continuing on with them was the worst mistake we could have ever made because we lost a healthy pet to them only a couple years after. Our chihuahua had a broken foot that required her to have surgical pins put in to help the bones heal straight. This procedure was done at another vet hospital in town with no problems. They told us that if she did well under the anesthesia that they would spay her as well and it went off without a hitch. They did tell us that eventually the pins may start to work their way out and would need to be removed if that happened. A few months later sure enough we noticed the pin close to the surface of her skin as it was working it's way out. The clinic that put them in couldn't get her in for over a week so we went back to Clovis Vet to have them remove it. We were told it was going to be a simple procedure and that it should be easily pulled out. We dropped her off that morning and a few hours later I get a call saying they had bad news. My daughters baby had a heart attack after they administered anesthesia and died on the table! Who knows how much or what they gave her but she was gone forever. It was literally like losing a baby in our family, she was just over a year old and in perfect health. She slept with my daughter every night. In fact, that was the only way we got our daughter to sleep in her own bed at night because her baby was so protective of her. I spoke to another vet after the fact and was told there was no reason to put her fully under that general anesthesia would have been the best option and all that was necessary.We had her cremated as well so we could bring her back home and reunite her with her family. I look at their urns everyday on a shelf in my living room and they are a constant reminder of our experience with Clovis Vet. I can't begin to express what we feel we have lost but I pray no one else has to ever go through the pain that our family has endured. Please, think twice about going to this clinic if you truly love your pet. I wouldn't even rate them one star but unfortunately you have to rate them or you can't share your experience at all, just an FYI.
Pros: Nothing nice to say
Cons: Two of my dogs died in their care.