They were fine when I moved in but no help at all when I had to get a restraining order against my roommate. They were not professional and almost seemed to making some illegal decisions on handling the extension of my lease when it came time to renew. I got the run around until the week that I had to leave the apartment and when the general manager found out what had been going (They were refusing to let me live in my apartment because the person I had a restraining order against wouldn't sign the lease) he told them to get me to stay in any way possible. When I went down there to give my decision to them they had made the assumption that I was staying (even though I had been told twice that I was SOL and had to move). I told them that did not make that decision and that I would be willing to stay an extra month to give my 30 notice but that I did not think it was fair for them to charge me an extra 200.00 than what I was normally paying. The guy that works there (Eric) was incredibl