After finding out I was pregnant I decided to leave my current OB-GYN and find a practice that had more personalized care. I didn't want to spend my pregnancy seeing a Nurse Practitioner or Physician's Assistant instead of my doctor and then to have someone else entirely deliver my child unless I pre-scheduled an induction or c-section. I was determined to find a Midwife after hearing how they have more dedicated, personalized visits and would be the person that delivered your child instead of some stranger who happened to be on call at the hospital.
I ended up finding The Midwives at the Women's Specialist and they are amazing. They are all board Certified Nurse Midwives so they have gone to school for both Nursing and Midwifery. You spend your pregnancy seeing all 4 midwives so that when you go into labor, you are guaranteed to have someone that knows you, your pregnancy, and your birth plan. They share a practice with 7 OB-GYN's so in case your pregnancy ends up high risk they can transfer you to one of the doctor's.
I appreciate that as a first time mother, they take the time to answer all my questions, spend as much time as needed with me on each visit and are on call 24/7. I often get asked if I'm going to be birthing at home or in water because I'm using a midwife. Contrary to popular belief midwives do work at hospitals and deliver babies with lower cesarean rates, lower episiotomy rates, and provide better support than a doctor who simply walks in to catch a crowning child.
I have had a very pleasant, stress-free pregnancy and wish that all women were able to have this kind of dedicated care!
Pros: Personalized care during pregnancy