obviously it could be better but consider the alliterative worse........no really.......stop and consider....... IT COULD BE WORSE i have live here for 10+ years i have also live in numerous other houses mobile home parks and apartments and it has been WORSE their and some times better depending on the situation their are two sides to every coin and this is not the tail end we might not always get ahead but it is not bad
i have no neighbors above or below nor ether side sharing walls with me . APARTMENTS or should we say TOGETHERMENTS my car is not being broke into on a every week end basis , and wile other place's have been some what better i was paying 700$s a mouth or more and they still had crappy maintenance i guess some people don't appreciate what they have till its gone we could have a dictatorship management like 4 Season in Blaine mn where they tell you what color to pain you house how long to grow your grass no pets your car is to rusty........and have to pay through the nose for lot rent
Pros: cheap rent your own yard and low crime rate
Cons: on street parkingmaintenance is a one man crew