From the first visit, when we moved 1+ yrs ago, I was sized up to see how many office visits they could get from me. My son takes medicine that without it he doesn't function. This requires an annual visit and a script picked up once a month. The monthly scripts have been a nightmare because they have repeatedly let my son run out even though I call 7+ days in advance. The final straw came when I had follow up behind them AGAIN and was told that they had to see him before they would write his script. I don?t respond well to my child's health being held for ransom so they can charge for an extra visit. He had been in for his annual visit 6 months ago. They said that didn?t count because they didn?t do the physical. My response was why didn't the doctor do whatever he had to do and why wasn?t I called about the problem with his script? Got their stock excuse of wrong phone# written down. They decided they would write the script if I set up an appt. Fine. Done right then. Late that night the nurse left a message saying they were not going to write him a script unless he set up an appointment. The right hand never knows what the left hand is doing with these people. If this was the first time I would have been ok but it has just been one long screw up with them.
Pros: They get it right sometimes
Cons: Unnecessary Visits & Horrible Staff