Everyone writing a negative review for this company did not likely read their contract before they signed it. Either you can no longer afford it, have missed a payment, got a new credit card and never updated the information, thought you could cancel early but didn't actually read the contract and just listened to the what the gym employee told you, etc. In every case this is YOUR FAULT not Paramount Acceptance's fault. All those leaving comments for this review will be prime examples for us all to view of how ignorant people are in not checking a legal document before signing and then thinking they are right just because they are so frustrated. This company may not always be polite but that is not their job, there job is to collect on those who don't follow or try to argue their way out of their contract. In any case try being nice to customer service reps regardless of situations and you'll see you will get your way and READ YOUR CONTRACTS FOOLS!!
Pros: Abides by the contract given to them from the gym