If you pawn a collection of anything be sure to itemize every single item and check it all when you pick it up. Don't be fooled by the cellophane they put on it, sign the cellophane at the overlaps. I took my collection in there thinking it would be safe, boy was I wrong. After I picked it up it was still wrapped in cellophane so I didn't check it. Several months later when I did open it to look I could not find my unopended First Edition Nascar Racing Champions To the Maxx collection of diecast. race cars. Instead in the bottom of the box were several other diecast cars I did not even recognize. Evidently the most valuable part of my collection was removed and the bottom of the box had cheaper newer diecast to fill the space, probably someone elses unclaimed collection. Don't get ripped off like I did, examine everything when you pick it up.
Pros: Pawn for a quick loan
Cons: Items missing/replaced