Now that I look back on the scenerio felt like they had a plan of attack before arriving: First one guy in a Pat's Plumbing truck shows up. He sets the table I'm not that experienced in Septic Systems. Our experienced guy will be here in a few minutes. He shows up in a big Black unmarked Truck. The smooth talker. Have to admit he sounded like he knew alot. After they reviewed my system they huddled up & then gave me a estimate of around $3000 for a new pump, floats & pump the tank. Have to admit I was taken back a little [actually alot]. I asked for details such as material costs & labor time in hours. They would not share anything other than offering "we do the work & get paid by the job". Was a bit uncomfortable as they had everything pulled apart. Partially felt like lets get the job done. The better part of me said let's get a 2nd opinion this damn price is way out of line. I could tell they were not happy by the looks on there faces. The smooth talker knew they had one shot & one shot only. I made the comment if another estimate is close I may call you guys later. He knew better. In short received a 2nd estimate by phone for less than 1/2 half Pat's quote. A honest guy came by later that evening. The pump had a rock lodged in it & was not bad after all. He said the floats are fine & the tank in fact does not need pumping. End result $325. The septic sytem works great & found a new guy that I can trust to work on it if any issues down the road. Bottom line always have a 2nd estimate.