Heartbreaking!! My ten year old Labrador was being treated for two ear infections.When I brought her back she was still breathing heavily which she had been doing the two weeks before when we discovered her ear infections".she is just stressed out because of her ears and coming to the vet" is what I was told, but that her ears look great.Instead of checking her out by simply feeling her belly or listening to her chest she ordered a blood test for heart worms.Negative of course because she wasn't an outside dog.Still I felt something was wrong as her breathing worsened in the middle of the night.The next morning she collapsed on the floor upstairs and was dying in my car.I rushed her to EMS and within a few minutes was told her spleen had rutured and had to be euthanized immediately.My heart was broken as I had to put my beautiful girl to "sleep" on January 1,2009 just one day after her veterinarian visit at Oaklawn.She couldn't breathe because her spleen had been slowly filling her up