Dr. Curt Hennessey and Dr. Molly Subasic recently helped my family through a very sad and painful event with our 14-year-old dog, Jake. While my mom was visiting me in CA, Jake was in a “luxury suite” at a boarding facility where he became immobile, developed horrible bed sores and was, ultimately, taken to Plantation Animal Hospital. (I will not name the boarding facility as the purpose of my review is to praise Dr. Hennessey and Dr. Molly and not to talk about my disgust with the boarding facility over what happened.) As soon as we were made aware of what had happened, my mom changed her flight and I booked a flight to HHI but it was 24 hours before we were able to get to the vet’s office. In an effort to make Jake comfortable, the vet’s office closed off an exam room and set Jake up on a bed in the corner with food and water right next to the bed and a stretcher wedged up against the side of the bed to prevent him from falling off. Dr. Hennessey was not scheduled to work on the day we arrived but he came to the office anyway to meet with us and to go over our options. It was clear at that point that it would be selfish to keep Jake here and Dr. Hennessey suggested that we take Jake home to spend some time with him before the inevitable. He also assured us that heaven only has “slow squirrels” which, of course, made me cry but I appreciated. We took Jake home for the afternoon and, after Plantation Animal Hospital closed, Dr. Molly and a wonderful vet tech whose name escapes me came over to my mom’s house and very kindly talked us through the process and put our Jakey to sleep. \r
This was my first (and I suppose could be my only) interaction with Plantation Animal Hospital given that I live in California. However, my husband and I have three dogs of our own and I have visited MANY veterinary offices over the past few years so I can say with confidence that the compassion and care we received from Dr. Hennessey, Dr. Molly and everyone else at Plantation Animal Hospital is hard to find and, unfortunately, not reflective of what you get at every veterinary practice. They helped us get through a very difficult and upsetting event and I will forever be thankful to them for helping Jake cross over “rainbow bridge” in such a dignified and peaceful manner. I imagine that at this very moment he is chasing and catching the slow squirrels.\r