It is a shame that another restaurant bites the dust when it comes to customer service. With the struggling economy one would think that customer service would be the #1 priority for owners of any service oriented business. Let me assure you that Briggs has no interest in serving the customer. Perhaps its a combination of being in business for a while and having those loyal customers that the owner has gotten complacent, whatever the reason she is making a mistake. There is no need to go into the whole story but the simple facts are there were four adults sitting down trying to have an enjoyable breakfast and instead were all scared and wondering what in the world they did to receive such a mean and horrible attitude the entire time. The other major point is the server yelled at one of the customers as well as ran outside after her. Having a terrible experience there I decided to speak with the owner in hopes of clearing things up and giving feedback which one would think is important to an owner of a business. The owner had no interest in hearing what happened, instead went on to assure me that the server was a wonderful person and would never be fired. It was never the intent to have anyone fired, the intent was to inform the owner so the owner can help the server become better and improve. The owner was not in the restaurant at the time so her only knowledge of this incident was speaking on the phone to the server first and then to me. I had every intention of clearly stating the facts but it was evident that the moment the owner called me her mind was made up. Certainly there are positive things about supporting your staff and standing behind them, it is quite another to ignore paying customers all together. Luckily there are numerous restaurants in this area that have great service and serve a tasty meal. I will never step foot into Briggs again and even though the amount of money my family normally would have spent there is not huge, I would rather spend it elsewhere purely out of principal. Shame on the owner for not being better, she should always be striving to improve her staff so in turn the customers stay loyal. I thought that was business 101.
Cons: Lack of service