Ok, so first I used to ride with them and they were amazing i got a good feel and vibe and i liked it alot for about a year or so! then i just started to get fed up with all the lies all the smoking all the cursing espeially around the younger riders! late late late to lessons very disorganized they Chosse favorites and somtimes just leave you in the middle of a lesson for a student they like better. they have cancled lessons and they wait till you get there to tell you. get super eaisily destracted during lesson so much that the lessons can run on for the whole morning! also there training is not very good!! and there sportsman ship at shows is awful they just are almost always talking bad it seems and smoking in the barn have some respect! and there boyfriends live with them I am Nt saying there boyfiends are bad or anything but i just dont think that it is very Proffetional to do that and it give bad exaples to the younger kids !ok so basically they just give you a course and just have you runn around jumping jumps! dont let this place fool you!! look around at higher quality barns there are alot of nice barns in Tucson dispite what peopl think!
Pros: They Build you Cofedence and a nice ficility
Cons: ALOT