I started to see Kirsten about a year ago. My doctor wanted to send me straight to an infertility specialist since a 6 month trial of Clomid didn't work. I wasn't ready for the full blown infertility work up and all the medical procedures associated with it. \r
So I went to see Kirsten. She met with my husband and I and answered our myriad of questions. She referred us to an infertility speicalist she works with -- just to make sure all the plumbing was in working order -- and it was. \r
Then we started treatment. I took daily temps, daily herbs and went to acupuncture twice a week. I knew, that even if I did not get pregnant naturally, I was at least taking care of myself at a whole new level - and preparing my body to carry a baby. \r
Well, I am now 11 weeks pregnant - and TCRA continues to be my first line of defense. I had heavy spotting my first week and was diagnosed by my OB as a ""threatened miscarriage"". I went to see Kirsten, she gave me herbs to boost my progesterone levels and received an acupuncture treatment to stop spotting. It stopped the SAME DAY as the acupuncture treatment and has never returned. \r
Throughout my pregnancy I have gone to Kirsten first for all of my nutrition questions. I can email her any time and she responds wihtin 24 hours, reliably. I am good friends with my ObGYn and can call her on her cell or even text her if I need somehting -- and Kirsten is still my first pick! I just know I will get the natural, whole grain answer from her. And I do! \r
Most recently I went in for an acupuncture treatment targeted towards the alleviation of constipation - 36 hours later I am back to normal! With no pain or discomfort in the transition. It made me stop and think ""what did I eat or what didn't I eat to have this happen -- I want to be able to repeat it for the future"". The answer I came up with: nothing. My diet has been exaclty the same -- I even forgot to eat my prunes. The only thing different was acupuncture -- I was amazed!\r
Thank you TCRA - Mandy, Dixie, Emily & Kirsten for supporting my body as it prepared itself for this journey, for being a contributing factor in conception and then being my partner during the precarious first trimester!\r
It wouldn't have happened without you! And it was as low stress as this journey could be!\r
I also strongly reccommend yoga for fertilty -- another HUGE stress reliever!
Pros: Experts in the field!