After a 30+ minute wait AGAIN, I decided that a doctor who does not value my time is not going to get another minute or another dime from me. I am obviously a lower life form than a rude doctor, so I guess I need to slither back into my slimy, dark, little hole and stay sick. The surprised girls at Dr. Scumpia's front office gave me back my $60 co-pay and a form I can use to request my records. They graciously offered to find out how much longer I would need to wait, but enough is enough. I have a life and a job, and my time is worth more than Dr. Scumpia obviously thinks. Maybe I should bill HER for 35 minutes of my time...
Actually, I've called my GP and gotten a recommendation from his office in hopes of finding a doctor who is professional and polite. What a concept.
Pros: highly touted as a great specialist
Cons: condescending treatment