Its just a shame that they are using the fact that
Israeli food is so hard to come by in the Dallas area.
I don't like buying there, I use tom thumb, Albertson and others but if I really need an Israeli product I have no choice. She sales borekass for like a dollars a piece when a large box from Angel costs her only $13. She makes over 500% in profit on her own people ( I'm an Israeli). I'm sure that most of the people that rated this place as being the ""best"" just dont know any better, I come from Brooklyn and I can ,make the same food at home, so no way I'm paying $20+ for a plate of food. They also trick the people, they say that they have falafel and shawarma but it's only for launch because god probed if they make any thing less then $16 per a person and the reality is most people come there to eat dinner and not launch (sorry some of us actually work)
Pros: Israeli food