I found a used Yaris advertised for just under 11k on Craigslist at the Gladstone used dealership and immediately made an appointment to test drive it. During the test drive, the salesperson mentioned the car being priced at 16k. I told him about the KBB value and the original advertising price, and he feigned ignorance. Um, hello, NEW Yarises don't even sell for $16k, especially the ones with absolutely no features (no power locks, power windows, etc.) Fortunately, after deciding that I loved the car, I easily argued it back down to being just under 11k because the original Craigslist ad was still up.
HOWEVER. The car was advertised as having a standard stereo/CD player in it, but it did not even have so much as a radio (the spot on the dashboard for it was blank). I told them they needed to get a CD player installed before I picked it up so that it would match its original advertised value. They did this for me. And then charged me $500 for it. However, they told me it was a really great system, etc. etc., and that they charged everyone $500 standard for CD player installation and that they would issue a refund later.
Later, I looked up the make & model of the CD player online. It wasn't even worth $100 (usually sold for about $70-$80). I went back to the dealership wanting to return the CD player and get my $500 back. I was pushed around to various different associates and salespeople and departments and no one could give me an answer. I went home very disappointed and wrote the dealership a letter explaining the situation and demanding a full refund. Later in the mail, I received a check for $170. Hello, where was my full refund? I wrote again explaining the situation, once more stating that I should not have been charged ANYTHING for a CD player advertised as being ALREADY INSTALLED in the car and asked for the remaining $330 to be refunded to me. Still haven't heard back.
I am very disappointed and frustrated. The car's great, but that's thanks to Toyota, not Gladstone dealership.
Pros: Cute car
Cons: Lies.