We took our dog Bailey to Pet Plex the week after the fourth of July. Bailey had hot spots. They gave us steroids and an antibiotic to treat him. Baileys hot spots got better but he got very sick and could hardly walk within a week after taking him. We took him to our vet (we have a cottage at Buckeye Lake and were there for the week) and our vet asked us if we continued to give Bailey the medicine Ducalox (not sure of spelling, an arthritis medicine) while treating him with the steroids. We said yes and they informed us the two taken together will cause bleeding ulcers and other complications. We had to put Bailey to sleep on Friday July 17. Pet Plex asked my husband what kind of medicine Baily was on and my husband said something for arthritis, which they should have then called our vet to see what he was on. Or they should have told him not to administer the medication until they checked with our vet. I am only writing this because I don't want something like this to happen to someo