My son has been struggling with math since 1st grade. We decided to give Sylvan a try. We heard of Sylvan many times from other friends & people at school. The director here is a Chinese gentleman. He is an excellent math teacher. I believe he learned a lot of math in China. Anyway, he first did a test for my boy, then designed a program with homework from Sylvan. My son is always happy going to Sylvan and he can tell me clearly what he learned while we are driving home everyday. About 2 weeks ago, I remember my son ran to me after Sylvan class and full of joy. He told me that he finally learned division in that class and he cannot wait to practice at home. Put things in perspective, division is something that my son has been struggling for the past 1-2 years. My son took a 36 hour exam yesterday. He improved nearly 2 grade level. I am very proud of my son and impressed with the progress that Sylvan did for him.
Pros: Great educational quality
Cons: Better if lower cost