i have been going here throughout my prgenancy this place came recomended to us. i have mixed feelings. i have felt very rushed by some people. some docotors have been super friendly. one pretty much called me fat and has put on an image worry the rest of the time. its hard when your huge to have added extra stress about that from the doctor.a lot of appointments have seemed pointless there is no communication. half of that is on me i know. there billing department was great when my husband was layed off and we were tryingt to get the insurance mess figured out. it is hard to get someone to answer the phone some days and i rarley get a call back i have to call them back. we have left 4 messages today and nothing. i asked a question to the ob nurse today and never got it answered. i also had to repeatedly say i could not come in tomorrow morning befor she got it.she has a lot of attitude and gave me a lot of stress i dont need at 9 months pregnant. the person in the lab is great. you always want someone nice when it comes to needels. be careful when scheduaing appointments. i guess the winter park and oviedo office have the same number they made my appointment in oviedo and didnt tell me. its a newer office im sure that willl get worked out.
Pros: some of the staff is super friendly
Cons: always get an answering machine