My wife recently pulled off the freeway as my 9 month old was struggling to breath in her car seat. My wife happened to pull off the freeway into the parking lot of this facility. As my father in law, who was with her at the time, was dialing 911, a couple of people in the parking lot directed my wife into the facility. Upon entering, my wife told the receptionist of the problem with my daughter and asked for help. The receptionist then told my wife something to the effect that the faciltiy didn't help children at that age or they couldn't help her. My wife, in a bit in a panic, didn't argue, but then left the facility to wait outside for the ambulance. There was a doctor at the facility at the time of the visit. I understand this is not an ER, but does it really make sense that a medical facility refused treatment to a choking infant? Needless to say, I am deeply disappointed with my experience in this facility. Luckily the ambulance arrived and everything worked out with my daughter. However, the image of her dying in the parking lot of an urgent care facility due to a lack of response will be something that I won't ever forget.