At 92, my mother was a happy, active and clear-minded gal living in an independent living facility. In 1994, her doctor and I talked about hospitalizing her for 2-3 days for a cardiovascular check up, so she could have a hospital file opened, because otherwise she would not be admitted in a nearby nursing facility where she was willing to go. This hospitalization was planned ahead of time and there was no emergency situation at all. The day before getting admitted to the hospital, I took her to dine with me at a local restaurant and we enjoyed our dinner together. The next day, she entered Palm Springs General Hospital in Hialeah walking by herself, talking, and in good spirits. Two weeks and a half later she was a corpse, after the most ridiculous and inappropriate medical treatments, unnecessary tests, and improper decisions of the worst kind. Her death certificate attests that she died from "MALNUTRITION AND DEHYDRATION." And all of this happened inside Palm Springs General Hospital