My experience with Healthquest family Chiropractic and Dr. Hess has been such a positive experience. After struggling with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome for over ten years, I am finally beginning to feel like myself again under Dr. Hess’s care. I have been in a lot of pain, as well as recently losing the feeling in my hands and feet on a regular basis. I have been passed from numerous doctors, from the emergency room to physical therapy to a spine specialist to a Neuro surgeon. None of these resulted in any new answers or relief of pain. The only temporary relief was massage.\r
I just wanted an answer without the explanation of covering up the problem with medication or injections. I am so thankful that Dr. Hess was recommended because for the first time in ten years I have some answers as well as relief of all my symptoms. I am very thankful for Dr. Hess working with me on a resolution and not a band-aid.\r