This doctor was given to me as I was a patient in an intherapy hospital. I deceided to stay with him since he was my inital therapist, and was okay for awhile but things just weren't adding up. For example he tried to give me a perscription for 15 mg of a prescription when I was only ever on 5, then asked me if I had changed the dosage myself! Reviewing my chart then changing the number in a regular pin! Then two weeks later a notice comes out in the local paper that he is under investigation for something similar, only that patient DIED, look under Fresno psychiatrist accused of negligence in patient's death By Barbara Anderson, The Fresno Bee, Calif.\r
Upon starting inital converstations with another psych he tells me that his inital eval takes around 2 hours, I've seen Dr. Zyiar around 5 times and have MAYBE spend 1 1/2 hours TOTAL. Def changing doctors!
Cons: no complete inital consulation