I baught fish here, they died right away like the next morning. One was sick, they all got sick and passed away. My turtle died a week after I got him. I hat ethat lady at the cash register Debbie with the rainbow parrot n her shoulder who won't shut up. She overpriced me for the yellow lutino cockatiel bird Buttercup. She lied about the gender, screwed me over. And gave me a bird with one toe missing on one foot. They told me the bird was a boy. I was getting a boy for my female coaktiel pearl bird Thunder. I bring Buttercup home and she starts pecking and bullying thunder around. Buttercup then lays eggs on my lap. I would love to sueeee this place and pull a lawsuuuuit against them. Not fair, not cool.
Pros: I have a lovely pet
Cons: Scammers, liars, they overprice you