a few years ago i wanted to do modeling/acting so i went to a JC audition. they said to come back on a certain date to get everything set up.\r
so that's what i did. my mom and the lady talked about payments (and let me just say, it's A LOT of money!) in the end my mom gave her a check or whatver.\r
i started classes and they were every Saturday 8am - 1pm. in all honesty i dreaded every class i went to, they were SO boring! and maybe it was just me but they were. applying make-up and the cat-walk was ok but...other than that BLAH!\r
the teachers were nice though and they'd joke around with us. at the end of my classes i was supposed to go to a meeting so they could review me but i never went.\r
i missed some classes so i needed to make them up but seriously, it was BORING. i couldn't take it.\r
so i just stopped going. and the lady emailed me about a audition a few months later so i went and checked it out but i was a minute late (no exagerating) and they said i had to come back. so i just didn't.\r
and two years later here i am typing this review.\r
the plus side to it is that i learned some runway tips, i got make-up brushes and i did a photoshoot. (:\r
it's not a scam. they tell you in the begining that they're not promising you a job, they're helping you. and that's what they do. the rest is up to you.\r
they give a weekly list of casting calls all over that you can apply for.\r
people say it's a scam because of how much money you have to pay. and truthfully, it's not worth it. not the amount of money they're asking for. if it was less then yeah. i'd refer people. but i don't BECAUSE of the money.\r
hope i helped. and no, i'm not someone from JC that was asked to come up and review it.
Pros: photoshoots, runway tips
Cons: too much money, no guaranteed job