I was with JSMN for a While. They fed on my Sweat until the last of my working. Now I am in a situation of Losing my H1B status and Leave the USA. Because , None of them informed me about the crisis going on in the JSMN.
I did not get my H1B Extension Successful.
I Heard, There are internal Problems regarding , Payment of Taxes to the Labor Department, IRS .
Complaints about , not having Direct Clients, and Not having enough area office to accomodate 350+ employees.
Basically , I believe Mr . THota is a nice guy, but He fell prey for "" Durasha Dunkhaniki Chetu "".
I am trying to stay back here hard but, Looks like all doors closing. I cannot afford to go to college back again. I come from a Lower Middle Class Family.
Pros: Thota's words Encouraging for beginners.
Cons: Thota Chatter's about his Personal Experiences and filthy Jo