The bookmaker salad is hands down the best value in Little It. When you go anywhere else you're looking at $15-16 for a salad 1/3rd the size. Salami, Shrimp, Lettuce, Eggs and dressing -- all you need.
For all those crazy cooks out there in culinary complaint land they've never had a high quality ingredient based dressing that is of the utmost respect to the littlest of italy. That ""grit"" you taste is authentic Parmesan coming right from the motherland. I apologize that you're tongue can't handle such delicate intricacies so if you need your food refined and processed down to Gerber quality, go hit-up Olive Garden and have them nuke you some dinner in the micro-oven.
Boolean true;
Pros: Bookmaker salad
Cons: All these naysayers