My lawn got progressively worse over the 2 years I had their service. Brown spots, crab grass, bare spots. Both neighbors on either side of me did their own Scotts 4 Step program and had MUCH better lawns than my ""professionally cared for"" lawn. We all water about the same amount.
Service has gone downhill too. 50% of the time they don't call before coming out - they're supposed to give you a day or two's notice. Or if they do call on Monday saying someone will be out Tuesday or Wednesday, they don't show up until Friday (with no adverse weather having occurred) which affects my weekend mowing plans. Nobody answers their phones anymore, maybe they let the super nice lady go? Return phone calls are rare. But the sales calls for ""extra"" services keep coming.
I cancelled the service for this year mainly to save money but also some hassle (and so did my co-worker from another town). We're both doing the Scotts program now and our lawns are the best they've been in many years!
Cons: High cost to obtain such poor results,