Unique and special? Hmm... Working there made me change for the better. Of course, I ate there at the least of twice a week. For a food review, best damn food I've ever had. on and off the menu. =) You know what I'm talking about, guys. *coughkeftacough* The people I worked with were fantastic and beyond friendly. We were like family. We pride in treating our customers with the same respect as we treat eachother in the kitchen. Nothing is ever dull, if you come to eat here. The warm greetings and fantastic food. There are the chances of getting a mess up every now and then. If you didn't enjoy it the first time around, try earlier in the day next time. =) We do get tired being there all day. It messes with our heads. Back to the food, though. We always have a special and coupons. We Have a long list of things to choose from on our menus. Stop in for a visit. I nolonger work there, but I'm more than positive you would get the same ""treatment"" from any of the other employees as you would from me. It's how we are. =)
Pros: Best Resturaunt Next to the Suffolk Location =P
Cons: Suffolk is better =P