Lived in one of the houses for a year with six other people and then moved because we were fed up. They never responded to requests about fixing things, like toilets or the refrigerator (although they did paint the back of the house that faces an alleyway when all of the requests were being made). We also only got half of our security deposit back when all of the charges on it were things that we had asked them to fix all year and were broken/altered from the people who lived there before us.
They never told us when maintenance people were coming, so random people would just walk into the house when we weren't expecting anybody. Our friends who also sublet from them went to the office to talk to Alex when their water was shut off and were told it would be a while, and then ten minutes later that he wouldn't make it. They charged through the office to the basement where they found Alex sitting at his desk hoping they would leave.
When we were moving out, they asked us all multiple times for everybody's addresses (so they could mail the security deposits) even though they were all listed on the lease that we signed.
Other realtors are cheaper and way more efficient--We currently rent from Campus Apartments, who send maintenance people the same day or day after we make a request, and their properties are in MUCH better condition. They replace all appliances before new people move into a house and do a very thorough clean-up.
Pros: Nice on the phone
Cons: everything else