I just wish I could give the Hard Rock pool 3 fab points. It's LLE, bitches.
The pool is sooo....
is sooooo
The hard rock pool is that one place i just. kinda. really. wanna. love.
I wish I felt love for Relax Pool Parties. I want to give them our highest rating...I just can't.
Now- I know that Relax and Rehab are very different. In fact, I have yet to enter the dangerous, cutthroat world of Rehab. Going to Rehab on a Sunday requires about a 40 pound deficit and 4 inch heels. Relax doesn't require all that jazz- cause it isn't a modeling contest.
But I think I'm not the only one who knows that.
In fact, I think that Relax kinda treats it's goers as C-level while Rehab is treated as quite A-list indeed. Herein lies my conflict.
I'm a local- I want to looovvveee Relax.
And I just do not....
sinctysocialite.blogspot (DOT) com/2009/07/071409-hard-rock-pool-relax-pool-party.html
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Pros: people watching
Cons: people watching