I've attended 4 lectures Max has presented about the food we eat, the good the bad and the UGLY! He has changed how I eat - no microwaves, almost entirely grass fed meat, good carbs and raw milk! As a cancer survivor I want to avoid cancer causing foods or those that allow cancer to flourish. While I'm not perfect at it yet, I've found a whole new way to eat that is so much more satisfying. I even think better when I'm eating right!\r
Max tells the truth about how processed foods are killing us and how we can avoid them. He's done the research and has the testimonies to go with it. He's always willing to answer questions and does his best to provide the best supplements and other aids to eating healthily as well as the best prices. He's not interested in selling anything, just getting the word out that will save lives and improve others through better nutrition. \r
Max's motto: In health and happiness: this says it all!
Pros: Total honesty about what we should and should not eat
Cons: Nothing but the cost of buying very healthy food