I have lived here for awhile not as long as some but long enough to know the Management is USELESS! They ALL LIE! It must be in their job discription cuz they all do it! When I mortgaged my home I was told there is a ""buy back program"" there is no such thing even the company I mortgaged the home through told me ARC will probable not buy the home back that they will wait for me to default on the home, then take it back though the courts & turn around & sell it to the next buyer for the same price they sold it to me for! This is why they will not allow us to rent our homes out! They screwed us all from day 1! I could go on for ever about this place but It's getting me NO WHERE What we need to do is all get together & formulate a plan as to what we really can do about this place since we ARE BEING HELD HOSTAGE IN THIS HELL HOLE!
Cons: Too many to list