The last three times we've been to MS there's been a big crowd at one end of the bar-""managers"",servers and a cook or two- playing keno and watching TV.The first two times the server came over directly from the bar as if a table being seated in their section was some major inconvience.In an area with more restaurants than people with money to spend, you'd think that ANY customers walking in would be treated like gold not a nuisance.The food wasn't bad but the overall disreguard for the guest and doing anything resembling service was appaulling.I could even hear the manager complaining to the bartender that he was losing money at keno-maybe he should try running his restaurant instead of playing games.In the 45 minutes we were there on this Sunday afternoon he only got up from the barstool to check his tickets-WHAT A JOKE.My wife and I cannot believe that they have the same owners as Mr.B's across the street! Maybe someone can open a real bbq restaurant in RO because calling this place a restaurant is laughable!!!!!!
Pros: Great music
Cons: Employees don't care