I am VERY picky about my hair. I'm only in Boulder during the summer months for school. So I looked up salons online before I arrived. Zing wasn't one of the ones on my list to try. Keep in mind if I found one I liked I would stop looking. Well.... within the 4 weeks I have been here I've gone to 4 different salons. I just happened to pass Zing last night on the way to Amu and was curious as to what a hair salon was doing open at 9:15 pm on a Saturday night. When I got back to my apt. I looked it up online and was totally shocked. Open 7 days a week (yes you read that right)!! Open 10:00am to 10:00pm daily!!!! And they're talented!!!! I guess I can stop looking now.
Pros: Staff is friendly yet professional & efficient
Cons: I can't take them with me when I leave in August :-(