i went to leapin lizards yesterday and we played then i realized i left something in the car so i went out with my mom and aunt and left my cousin and his friend for 5 minutes. we came back in and my cousin and his friends were hurt .they were playing in the boxing and then a group of kids took their gloves off and punched my cousin between the eyes kicked him in the arm and the stomach then his friend got slaped across the face twice and more that i can't remember. so the lady said i didn't see it so both groups have to sit out and we alawys do this they can't go back to boxing and have to go to time out for 15 minutes and the kids who hurt them get to stay and we do to but the mom said ""i already made my kids sit out yalls kids started it i was sitting right there"" when she was sitting on the other side of the building! but its fun to go otherwise.
Pros: lots
Cons: lots