What can I say I have heard nothing but horror stories from others and I am surprised nobody has posted more negative reviews with all the bad news about this company. You would think pool cleaning would be simple. Where do I start. OK I had them renovate our pool. Not cheap either by the way about 30k. Great salesperson shows up I mean loved him but then you never see him or hear from him again. Then the son who took it over I suppose shows up for construction phase. Let's put it this way it took FOREVER to finish the project they seemed to do it in stages. Could have been done in two weeks with focus on it daily. I think the whole thing took like 6-8 months scary. One of the major delays is that our pool is old chicago bricks and they showed up with Yellow florida bricks and looked me in the eye and said it was chicago brick which clearly did not even resemble our existing patio. So after flipping out at the idiocy then spent on my own 8000 USD on proper brick and only received a 2800 discount. Their stupidity at bidding the job cost me more money because they don't know what a basic brick is. OK fine let's get it done. Then in the end my thought is hey these guys renovated the pool lets have them maintain it. Compete idiocy. our pool is older and clearly does not have an automatic fill. Each time you clean the pool you need to put the hose in for the 30 minutes or so that you work on it. No big deal obvious. Florida pools evaporate in the summer when real hot duh...a 6th grader knows that. Well the people they hire have a 1st grade mentality and burned out our pump by not refilling the pool while we were away on business in the Summer for a couple of months. Of course not their fault. Not to mention the time I jumped in the pool and it was so imbalanced that I broke out in a chemical burn/rash that required cortaid all over my body for two days probably should have gone to the dr for a cortizone shot. Barely an apology. God thing my 1.5 year old daughter was not born yet if that would have happened to hear I probably would have sued them.
Needless to say Florida is known for poor service, and banana republic and laissez faire attitude when it comes to service but I have never had a worse experience in my life with a major purchase or any service company ever. Sometimes the pool guy clearly just did not show up. In defense, I did call on that the times that it happened and I was told our service tech had a family emergency. No problem I get it. Credit us back send someone else. I am surprised this company continues to exist. Maybe if more of the horror stores all the locals tell me get posted they will change their attitude and give a better more honest service in all capacities. I never bother with reviews but I have been so upset by this for years I could not hold it in any longer.
Pros: they show up
Cons: total idiots