I have read the review posted previously on the site by Ms. Lee S. I can not disagree more with this disgruntled parent. There was mention of a woman who was persistent in this parent signing up her child at this location, and then never saw her again. As a business owner I can only assume that this is a marketer/public relations employee and therefore would not have direct contact with the children. It is the job of the teachers at the school to have direct contact with the children. There is NO WAY that the person who was mentioned in the article by Lee S as being rude was. I have personally known this teacher for 30 plus years!!!! She has taken care of my little sister since she was born!!! About being unprofessional I do not think that it is appropriate to mention someone in a detrimental fashion without the risk of being slanderous/ UNPROFESSIONAL but that is just my opinion. If the way that we turned out is any indication of the dedication that this person has to her children at