Dr. Reader is moody, arrogant, and the quality of his work varies greatly from day to day. He cares little about his patients and their comfort, and sometimes doesn't wash his hands when he clearly should. My family and I visited his office several times over about a year. During that time he performed some of the worst dental work I've ever had done. \r
It's interesting to note that Reader remains a preferred provider with at least one health network, in spite of the fact that he has been disciplined by the Florida Health Department in 1996 resulting in "probation-other major penalty". (See http://ww2.doh.state.fl.us/FinalOrderNet/folistbrowse.aspx?LicId=10105&ProCde=701).\r
My family and I will not be back to see him, and I recommend that Dr. Reader be avoided. \r