I am shocked to see negative reviews.I have nothing but GREAT things to say about Dance Productions. I can only assume the complaining parents are the parents that drop the kids at the door and are not involved with there childrens dance education. If they were to come in and take the time to see what goes on they would know this is a top quality dance studio. Our daughter has danced at other studios so I can tell you with confidence this by far is 1 of the best studio in the charlotte area. The kids are good dancers because they have good teachers who work for an outstanding owner. Why woudl so many parent share in such great fellowship at every competition? I could only guess that the folks that made the negative comments are parents that are envious of the DP staff the tallent of the kids and the togetherness of the families. I would say if you wnat your child to learn Excellent technique and great coreograpy come check out DP. They will welcome you and your child with open arms.